THE SMALL TALK GUY: Don Gabor shares conversation tips, strategies, and techniques when talking to people at work, home and everywhere else. SPECIAL FOCUS: TURN HOLIDAY PARTIES INTO CAREER BOOSTERS.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
"Start your networking goals in January and they will pay off all year long,” according to networking and small talk expert, Don Gabor—author of the goal-setting book,
Big Things Happen When You Do the Little Things Right*
(* Get a PDF copy of this book for $2.99!--go to or click on the link below.)
Starting NOW:
1. Save networking dates. Mark your 2011 calendar for at least one networking event a month including business meetings, social events, workshops, and other industry or career related conferences or meetings.
2. Make new or re-establish contacts. Set yourself a goal of making 1-5 new professional contacts a month either in person or via the Internet. Reconnecting with old contacts count! If you start now that will yield 12-60 new contacts by the end of 2011!
3. Follow-up with recent contacts. January is the perfect time to send emails, make calls or mail promised information to the contacts you met at recent events like the past conferences or holiday parties.
4. Refer clients or assistance to colleagues. January is a time that most people make an effort to get things done so your efforts to help your colleagues and friends will most certainly be appreciated and remembered all year long.
5. Get professionally printed business cards. The answer to, “How can I get in touch with you?” is “Here’s my card.” It’s easy and cheap to have professionally printed business cards. (Business cards printed on home printers look amateurish.) Do a search for “business cards” and get them done right.
6. Get involved. Join professional and civic associations and volunteer to help in the monthly meetings. The professional and social relationships you begin in January will strengthen all year long.
7. Start your list of networking goals for 2011. Effective networking begins with clearly defined goals. Start a list now and you will be pleasantly surprised to see how many you can accomplish by the end of 2011.
8. Practice your conversation and networking skills every day. If meeting people and making conversation at networking events doesn’t come natural to you, consider reading my book, How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends and start improving your connecting skills right away—it’s easier than you think and can really accelerate your career.
To get more done in 2011 in your professional, social and personal life read:
Big Things Happen When You Do the Little Things Right by Don Gabor
E-BOOK PDF FORMAT DOWNLOAD! $2.99*125ffcada5740d76d7402a&dbname=products&itemnum=6&function=add
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